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The Common Voice Initiative is creating a video advocating a global re-commitment to ending AIDS. The video will incorporate the use of the Common Voice pledge in a variety of settings from diverse religious traditions around the world. If your religious community would like to participate, please follow the instructions below for preparing, recording, and submitting the video. We plan to release the video on World AIDS Day (December 1). In order to include your video, we will need it no later than November 15. Thank you in advance for your help in ending AIDS.





  1. The English version of the Common Voice pledge is at the end of this document

  2. If English is not the preferred language for your place of worship, please translate the statement into your preferred language.

  3. Please arrange with your worship leader and the congregation to read the statement
    responsively during a worship service.

  4. If it is impractical to do the statement responsively for any reason, feel free to use the statement in some other form. For example, have two leaders read it, one reading the parts called “Leader” and one reading the parts called “Response.” You could do the “All” parts as “repeat after me”, or have the congregation simply respond with “Amen.”


Recording the Video:


  1. Have at least two people record the video on the day of the reading, using either video cameras or phones. One camera should be focused on the leader, relatively close. The other camera should have a wide view of the congregation from the front. The diagram illustrates one possible arrangement, but if your worship center has a different layout, feel free to use a different arrangement.

  2. If you have only one camera, locate it partway back in the congregation so you can see the leader clearly as well as the backs of some of the congregation members. The diagram illustrates one possible arrangement, but feel free to use a different arrangement.

  3. If you use a phone, be sure to have the phone turned sideways and record the video horizontally, not vertically.

  4. Once the camera or cameras are in place, record the entire reading with each camera. Do not move the cameras at all during the responsive reading.

  5. If you have a third person with another camera or phone, that person can walk around the place of worship and record members of the congregation reciting the responsive reading.

  6. In addition to the two videos of the responsive reading, please also record a short video of some activity that shows the spiritual nature of the event, such as a hymn or chant.

  7. Also, please take three still pictures, one of leaders from the front of the stage, one of the congregation from the front, and one that shows both the leaders and the congregation from the back. The diagram shows examples of a good selection of still pictures.


Diagram 1.png
Diagram 2.png
Diagram 3.png
Diagram 4.png

Submitting the Video:


  1. We will need all of the videos, plus any still pictures, plus the translation if you made one.

  2. Please send an email to David Giglio at david@skylinevp.comHe will send you a website link and instructions for uploading the files. 


Thank you again for your help!



Responsive Reading





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